Find out more about Dr. Schmitz's training program:

Journey Jouvence
5 videos a month to access supra-health... at home!

Discover the Parcours Jouvence

✅ ;Boost your immunity ;: which foods you should choose and in what quantities if you are deficient invitamins B3, B6 and B9. He will tell you how to diagnose a deficiency and what consequences it may have on your microbiota ; 

✅ ;Keep away Alzheimer's ; this disease is not necessarily linked to your genetics. There are manynutritional andmicronutritional solutions to help you avoid it. For example, Dr Schmitz recommends CE beans, which, according to scientists scientists, is capable of rejuvenating your brain by ;7 years ;!

✅ ;Treat type II diabetes: put an end to those little post-meal after meals. In a SHOCKING video, Dr. Schmitz reveals the truth about treatments for diabetes, and how it's possible to heal yourself with this simple ;and ;free ;; 

✅ ;Keep cancer away cancer : this deadly disease is spreading more and more. It affects both older and younger people. Faced with this scourge Dr. Schmitz has documented the "anti-cancer plate" in theParcours Jouvence. He guides you through the supermarket to select ;6 foods ;of particular interest against the risk of cancer... And, above all, it reveals the foods that must be avoided to avoid as a matter of urgency, because it feeds the diseased cells already the body ; 

✅ ;Become your own dentist ; if you have dental amalgams, chances are you're also chances are you also havemercury poisoning. Dr. Schmitz unveils cutting-edge natural solutions for detoxification. detoxify. He'll tell you where to find THAT special toothpaste, he'll tell you where to find CE toothpaste and which products you should avoid despite the advice of most French dentists ; 

✅ ;Regulate your thyroid ;: you may be suffering from hypo- or hyperthyroidism. If so, don't rush to take Levothyrox! Take first take THIS plant, revealed by Dr. Schmitz in theParcours Jouvence, to regulate your thyroid. You'll see that it's easy to obtain... because it even grows in parks!

The Parcours Jouvence is not a simple walk in the park.

It's a practical program designed for anyone who wants to activate their longevity to live better,healthier lives.

To guide you, Dr. Schmitz sends you ;5 videos a month, each about twenty minutes long.

Discover the Parcours Jouvence

Par exemple, lors de votre 1er mois d'abonnement, vous recevrez cette vidéo qui contient  13 solutions naturelles pour éviter les toxiques qui vous empoissonnent quotidiennement.



During your third month of subscription to Parcours JouvenceDr. Schmitz will give you all the dosages you need toprotect yourself from cancer thanks to Vitamin C. You'll discover that just eating certain foods isn't enough ;


Vous découvrirez aussi quel régime est plus adapté selon votre morphologie et vos prédispositions génétiques à certaines maladies dans cette vidéo avec l'invitée-experte du Dr Schmitz.

Toutes ces vidéos de formation vous seront envoyées si vous vous inscrivez maintenant au :

As this program is an ambitious ambitious project, and it's important to me to share it with you...

I've set the unit price of this program at€20 per month!

Yes, you read that right:


Subscribers who have already joined Dr. Schmitz who have already joined Dr. Schmitz andare on their way to"iron health".

Guarantee ZERO risk and ZERO commitment

I would like to draw your attention to this because it's something unique!

For 15 days, if by any chance you find that Dr. Schmitz's Dr. Schmitz's training is not for you, you can ask us to be be 100% reimbursed.

And there's no charge or justification on your part!

Discover the Parcours Jouvence

And if you decide to continue your subscription after the 2nd month (which I'm sure you will), you'll still have the freedom to cancel your subscription suspend your subscription atany time. There There's nocommitment;

All you have to do is contact our customer service by email or telephone Monday to Friday between 9am and 6pm;

You'll be able to keep everything you've received: your ebooks, your videos and your Parcours Jouvence files!

So don't hesitate to give it a try: if I suggest it to you, it's because I'm convinced you're making the right choice. the right choice and that you will say "thank you "for trying.

With just 1 click on this button, I subscribe to Parcours Jouvence ;from Dr. Schmitz for only €20 per month!

I subscribe to Parcours Jouvence