Inject a little, rarely, in the right place.

Mesotherapy is a therapy developed by Dr. Michel Pistor, whose credo was: "inject little, rarely, in the right place."

Indeed, mesotherapy consists in injecting subcutaneously (intra-epidermally, intra-dermally, or hypodermically) a low dose of certain products (anti-inflammatory, homeopathic solution, etc.) at the place where the disorder and/or the pain are felt. The product(s) injected in this way will then use the principle of diffusion to gently and deeply penetrate the underlying tissues and then act on them.

Mesotherapy is often used in pain medicine, sports medicine, and aesthetics.


The main indications

  • Tendinopathies, sprains, contractures, strains, strains and tears, periostitis, algodystrophy... are all examples of sports traumatology.
  • Rheumatology: subacromial conflicts of the shoulder; arthrosic pathologies; carpal tunnel syndrome; Morton's disease...
  • Spinal pathologies: lumbago, torticollis, sciatica, and cruralgia, common lumbago, common cervicalgia, common back pain

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