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What is psychogenealogy?
It is an empirical tool, a clinical practice developed in the 1970s by Anne Ancelin Schutzenberger. Her theory is based on the idea that events, traumas, secrets, and conflicts experienced by a subject's ancestors condition his or her psychological disorders, illnesses, and strange or inexplicable behavior. It is also based on concepts from psychoanalysis, psychology, psychotherapy, and systemics.
Psychogeography focuses on the transgenerational, or information transfer across generations. We can go back to the 7th generation. We will therefore look for the disturbing memory that may be lodged in different organs or systems and that will crystallize either in the form of illnesses, repetitive behaviors, etc. It is proven that everything that we experience emotionally is not exclusively related to us but also to an ancestral memory and/or a birth imprint.
The conflict will be biologized when the person reaches the maximum threshold of stress, beyond which life is not possible. The problem will pass into the cell to free the brain and allow it to ensure the vital functions.
The disease is sent by the brain as a perfect response to the person's questioning. Through this process, there is just a transformation of a psychological problem into a crystallization in a particular cell. As each cell has a particular function, there will be a particular response per cell.
The question is no longer in my head because I have an answer in my body.
With a genosociogram :
1. The four points of our psychic and physical construction.
The birth date (the art of giving birth to oneself, to one's sense of life)
Of conception (The art of founding one's home and being creative)
Of the path of life (The art of connecting and meeting others)
The date of the recumbent (the art of embodying one's power as a human being)
2. The founding couples
This is the couple that one may have known at the time of its birth. The AGMP-AGPP-AGMM-AGPM are the founding couple.
It is the couple that may have influenced feelings and sensations.
In psychogeography, a shock wave can cross centuries without losing its intensity.
3. Belief systems
Experienced beliefs
Recovered beliefs
Transgenerational social beliefs
What you believe in, your brain applies, whether it is conscious or unconscious.
4. The first name
Is accompanied by its feast day on the day of its birth. You are connected to the saints of the day of your birth; reading them is important because they are part of your genealogy.
The first names, through their derivatives, allow us to learn about their origins through bird language, anagrams, and historical dates.