To accompany you...
A psychologist is a health professional who has a protected title due to a recognized university education. In order to practice, he or she must be registered with the Commission des psychologues and respect the code of ethics (professional secrecy). Within this framework of trust, he/she offers a different perspective on the difficulties that the person or a member of his or her family is facing, as well as attentive and benevolent listening. Through his guidance work, he develops with the patient new tools to help him better manage his daily difficulties and thus re-establish personal fulfillment.

Psychological follow-up
The proposed brief therapies are part of the cognitive and behavioral currents of clinical psychology. They allow us to apprehend the present problems, whether they are related to negative ideas or problematic behaviors. The emphasis is on the resources available to (re)discover a more realistic way of life. During the therapeutic follow-ups, the "Rogerian" or person-centered approach is proposed. The patient is taken into account in his or her entirety with active listening, empathy, and non-judgment in order to accompany change and help regain autonomy and freedom.
- Behavioral, anxiety, and mood disorders (stress, anxiety, and specific anxieties)
- Help for various difficult life events: malaise and questioning of life, self-questioning and self-knowledge
- Emotional or relationship problems, parental burnout, etc.
Bilan De Q.I.
The difficulties encountered can also be approached with the help of a more specific tool: the cognitive assessment (IQ test) carried out with the Wechsler batteries (the only ones scientifically recognized). The objective is to equip people to improve their daily lives.
The I.Q. test is an assessment of a person's cognitive functioning at a given point in their development. I.Q. and intelligence are not synonymous. The I.Q. test is not an exact measure of intelligence but a global index that places the individual in relation to a population of the same age group. It infers certain aspects of intelligence from a person's performance during different intellectual tasks. Depending on age, there is a battery of tests adapted to the individual (from two and a half to 79 years old).
Each I.Q. battery includes different tests designed to evaluate various elements: visual, auditory, reflective, attention, concentration, graphomotor problems, etc. It thus makes it possible to establish a map of an individual's intellectual efficiency by identifying his or her strengths and weaknesses, and to provide appropriate help for the difficulties encountered.
- To better understand the present difficulties in perceiving one's differences compared to subjects of the same age group,
- Identify learning disabilities
- Assessing high potentials
- To help with decision-making and educational or professional (re)orientation, but also to establish certain links with aspects experienced at the level of social or emotional life.
Strategic conversational hypnosis or PTR (trauma reassociative psychotherapy):
Another powerful and effective tool is strategic conversational hypnosis (or trauma-reassociative psychotherapy). It enables the gentle and rapid accompaniment of a wide range of therapeutic requests from the youngest to the oldest. Sometimes we are confronted with problems that seem to have no solution or that seem to persist despite various attempts to resolve them.

Why is this? Difficult times leave deep emotional imprints in our primitive brain, which we refer to as microtraumas or traumas depending on how the person perceived the situation. It is therefore necessary to work on this level of our brain's "hard drive" to erase and/or modulate the emotional traces that have been left behind. Far from entertainment hypnosis, PTR is an active collaboration between the practitioner and the person in order to desensitize past problematic moments and heal the resulting symptoms. Indeed, hypnosis corresponds to a naturally modified state of consciousness (between wakefulness and sleep) that is similar to "being in the moon." At no time is there a loss of control; the patient is never "asleep," absent, or passive (saying or doing things against his will). On the contrary, he or she will gradually learn to regain control over the difficulties that preoccupy him or her, be they physical symptoms (such as pain) or emotional symptoms. This approach is therefore suitable for a wide range of problems.
- Flashbacks and trauma-related nightmares
- Loss of self-confidence, depression, relational difficulties,...
- Physical illnesses (eczema, asthma, eating disorders, irritable bowel syndrome, headaches, etc.) or psychosomatic illnesses
- Addiction (stopping smoking)