Opinions and testimonials

If you too would like to share your medical experience in Dr. Schmitz's office, or simply thank him, please send him an email at info@drschmitz.com. 


Testimony of Odile C.

Hello Doctor,

To give you news.

I went yesterday to the specialist for my liver and intestines. My blood test was very good to my great satisfaction. And the auscultation of the doctor said 51kg small weight regain, (it goes) intestines cleaned and the liver flexible. So no cirrhosis, no treatment. I will be able to continue with a good diet and follow your advice.

I am happy with my blood test, it has never been so good. I thank you also, and I am waiting for your messages and video conferences with great pleasure;

Thanks again and see you soon.

Respectful greetings

Ms. C.

Catherine's testimony

Hello Mr. Schmitz

Let's go back to glutathione.

60 years old, small epilepsy, depakine, I woke up in the morning with small tremors, sensations during the day of falling without falling, the sight which became a little blurred of tiredness, etc...

After 3 weeks of taking glutathione, I feel great, I have practically no more symptoms and I have especially recovered an energy that I had lost for a long time.

I have regular bowel movements which was a big problem for me.

I would like to thank you for allowing me to discover this product which brings me a lot.

With my thanks, I send you my best regards.


After 3 weeks of taking glutathione, I feel great 

Testimony of Annick P.

Hello doctor,


I would like to say that the booklet from Perfect Health Solutions is very well done and your video on Moducare C was helpful to me because I am currently taking it for a lingering posterior rhinitis and thanks to this supplement, along with kinesiology, I am breathing normally again.

Yours sincerely,

Annick P.

Testimony of Blandine K.

I would like to thank you in particular for your letters and your good advice, which you regularly give me.

I live in France, in the Grand Est region and if your office was not in Belgium, I would make an appointment with you without delay.

I treat myself a lot with phytotherapy, gemmotherapy, aromatherapy and I avoid chemical drugs as much as possible.

I look forward to reading your next letters, receive my best regards.

Testimony of Danielle D.

"For several decades I had been suffering from nocturnal gastroesophageal spasms due to a gap in the cardia. These spasms were of such intensity that the only remedy was Buscopan (1 or 2 tablets, once or twice a week). I did not suffer from any other manifestations (burning, heaviness, etc).

I followed Dr. Schmitz's advice and did an intensive treatment with Phytogast (6 capsules/day for 3 months) and never had night pains again. Since two weeks, I have switched to 4 capsules/day and I am fine.

Thank you very much for your good advice!

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Ozonotherapy - Testimonials


It seems that she has finally found the right treatment for the disabling consequences of her Lyme!

Testimony of Thierry D.

Hello Dr. Schmitz;

My sister suffering from Lyme disease is currently undergoing Ozonotherapy sessions, she is absolutely delighted with the results already visible after 5 sessions of her treatment, after a chaotic medical journey of 5 years, it seems that she has finally found the right treatment for the disabling consequences of her Lyme!

Thank you,

Thierry D.

Testimony of Myriam Schneiders


I have had severe fibromyalgia for about 12 years. The disease was triggered by taking an anti-inflammatory drug, Apranax, and is not a psychological or stress-related disease, as some would have you believe, but an autoimmune disease. I am talking about real fibromyalgia sufferers, not people who have muscle and fascial tension due to stress, we must not mix things up. Doctors still haven't understood this! So when I took Apranax, I had a serious drug intoxication, but no doctor took me seriously and nothing was done.

From one moment to the other, I had a serious muscular weakness, I could only walk a few meters, and I collapsed, my body and my muscles did not answer any more, and I entered in a vicious circle of excruciating pains and inflammations as soon as I moved, it was as if I had a tendinitis and wounds inside my body, my heart did not allow me to make any more effort, I was completely exhausted... At the same time, I had the impression to be squeezed in my body, it is probably at this time that these adhesions were formed at the level of fascias. I think that for me, Apranax was the last straw, because I had just recovered from Chronic Fatigue Syndrome (Ebstein-Bar Virus, mycoplasma etc...), a disease that was only taken seriously after 25 years, by a doctor at the University Clinic in Brussels;

This doctor treated me with very high doses of antibiotics for 6 months and infusions of antibiotics in the clinic for 10 days, and after that I was even more ill than before. So it was a big failure, and I went to Austria to a doctor/healer, who treated me successfully with energy healing and heavy metal detoxification, as well as a herbal treatment to stimulate my immune system;

Coming back to fibromyalgia, I read that a gene could be responsible for the disease, a gene that would prevent the body from detoxifying heavy metals and toxins in general. This is the opinion of Dr. Thierry Schmitz of Wavre, my current doctor, who believes that heavy metals play a crucial role in the development of the disease.

As far as I am concerned, my myelin sheath is affected, and I also have a leaky gut. Porous intestines cause autoimmune diseases, unfortunately this is not yet known by doctors. I also have adhesions in my fascias, and a lot of trigger points in my whole body, with a very high inflammatory rate, while my blood tests are completely normal. I have the proof, Prof. Bauermeister from Munich made a special Elastrography with a device he developed himself, while medicine has no way to evaluate the health of the fascias. We are therefore considered hypochondriacs because everything is normal in their imagery .... 

After my first treatment, I noticed an increase in my energy, and maybe a little less pain;

So, after 12 years of medical wanderings, I am beginning to understand all those things I mentioned above, and I have started a high dose ozone therapy treatment with Dr. Thierry Schmitz in Wavre, Belgium. I received my first treatment a week ago and I'm going back tomorrow for one session a week. He also gave me a herbal medicine, "Moduplex", to rebalance my immune system (because of autoimmune disease);

Dr. Schmitz says that when my inflammations disappear, thanks to his treatment, and my body is able to regenerate again (I have a big problem with cell regeneration), the adhesions and trigger points will automatically resolve. At the same time, I will try to repair my intestinal wall, my leaky-gut with L-Glutamine, and a change in my diet (gluten, dairy products etc...). I am also taking some dietary supplements;

After my first treatment, I noticed an increase in my energy, and maybe a little less pain, because I was able to do a few things. It's too early to say if I will be cured, or if there will be just a little improvement, but Dr. Schmitz is very confident, he told me that he has very good results for fibromyalgia, he even managed to get people back on their feet who were in wheelchairs. And he's talking about a cure, not a lifetime of treatment! I am full of hope that this ordeal will finally end, and that I will gradually be able to resume my activities, because at the moment I am obliged to stay in bed 95% of the time, my body hardly responds anymore..;

But first we had to understand what was going on in the body to be able to find the right treatment, which is far from being the case with traditional medicine... all the doctors do is make you feel guilty and make you believe that there is nothing wrong with you, that you are just depressed, that it's all in your head. 

It's a shame! I think I am on the right track, I hope so. But I don't have the proof yet... a little more patience... I hope that my testimony can be useful to you, and if you want, I can keep you informed of the evolution.

Sincerely yours, Myriam Schneiders

Testimony of Daniel Meynial

In his testimonial, Daniel Meynial recounts his ozone therapy treatment with Dr. Schmitz following a metastasized prostate cancer.

Daniel discovered ozone therapy through a friend who had the same problem as him. After several researches and on the advice of his naturopath, he discovered Dr. Schmitz's office in Wavre and decided to make an appointment in June 2019 for a 5-day treatment.

In his testimony, Daniel delivers the content of his research on ozone therapy and explains the reasons for his choice to do this therapy with ozone. He tells us about the course of his treatment, his follow-up by the doctors, the advice given and his feelings.

By clicking here, discover the complete testimony of Daniel Meynial.

Testimony of Françoise de Marche-en-Famenne

I was very happy to meet you in order to benefit from your precious advice, happy also to meet a doctor who proposes to his patients, by his attitude, to adopt a total autonomy and by the same to open new horizons and to the patients to trust themselves;

I thank you for always being in the dynamic of a doctor who is searching.....and still searching....and therefore for proposing to your patients remedies that make "miracle" and I weigh my words. 

After 2 sessions of ozone therapy and vit c, my eyesight is back to normal 

Here is my testimony:

In 2015, I developed breast cancer treated in a conventional and complementary manner.....

In 2017, a total collapse of my life on the emotional level, forced me to come back to Belgium (I was living abroad) leaving everything: my friends, my place of life, my activities, my house.... so it took me more than 2 years and a half to say "feel healed from the past".

I have devoted a lot of effort to this by taking care of all the levels of my personality with a definite spiritual orientation.

After about 3 years, when I was feeling at my best, one day, on the road to Touraine to join my children, I noticed that my vision was blurred while looking at the traffic signs;

The next day I had a big headache and went to the emergency room to be told after a scan that my breast cancer had relapsed and that there was a big problem with the bones in my head;

My vision was completely blurred and my children had to drive me home, unable to drive;

When I came back home, confirmation of these problems.....but fortunately, by intuition because I already knew about ozone therapy through a doctor friend in Switzerland, I had made an appointment with Dr Schmitz.....

That is the extraordinary thing about it and I weigh my words.... After 2 sessions of ozone therapy and vit c, my eyesight is back to normal, as before, even though I had a medical prescription for glasses that I no longer use.

This experience was lived without any other therapy....I had not received any medication at the hospital because the examinations and analyses required a fortnight. 

I really wanted to share my experience, which is a "miracle", I'm not afraid of the word even if it is very strong.

My children, my family, my friends are witnesses to the change in my condition.

Today, I am on my 9th session, it is true that it is a budget....but the results are there and leave the classic doctors a little "speechless".

Let's hope that the experiences shared in this book will lead to more openness on the part of the medical profession and mutual insurance companies.

Thank you again to Dr. Schmitz