Dr Schmitz's career in a nutshell
"In 1986, I obtained a doctorate in medicine, surgery and childbirth with distinction from the U.C.L. In 1995, I also obtained a diploma in homeopathy from the École Mosane in Huy after three years' training.
From 1986 to 1996, I practiced general medicine in private practice. Since 1996, I have been coordinating a natural medicine center, where we practice a variety of techniques.
My specialties:
I have an in-depth knowledge of phytotherapy, thanks to my training with Dr Paul Henry, founder of gemmotherapy. I have carried out my own research work, in collaboration with Jean-Claude Leunis, director of the ATEGIS laboratory and author of "L'utilisation médicale des simples" and "Traité de phytothérapie cyclique".

I trained with Pierre Franchomme, author of "L'aromathérapie exactement", and carried out research, developing high-performance formulas.
- Orthomolecular Medicine and Nutritherapy
My in-depth knowledge comes from my training with Dr. NIEPER. I conducted research, developing complex formulas tested by Mora.
- Moratherapy
I acquired in-depth knowledge through training with Jean-Marie Danze and Francine Delvaux. This technique is very useful for developing the high-performance formulas of my supplements.
- Vincent's Bio-electronics
Trained by Jean-Marie Danze, I use this technique to evaluate the impact of a formula on the "acid-base" and "oxidation-reduction" parameters.
- Oligotherapy, Bach Flower Remedies, Lithotherapy, Immunotherapy, Organotherapy, Enzymotherapy
I have a good knowledge of these fields and use them on a daily basis.
- Oncology
I'm currently involved in cancer research with a French team."
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