Découvrez 35 aliments que vous pouvez manger à volonté

The healthiest and easiest diet to follow is one with a low glycemic index (Montignac diet).

Glycemia is the amount of glucose (sugar) in the blood. On an empty stomach, glycemia is about 1 g of glucose per liter of blood.

Foods with a high glycemic index cause a sharp rise in blood sugar levels. Spikes in blood sugar levels encourage fat storage.

A low glycemic index diet aims to :

  • Reduce your risk of type 2 diabetes,
  • Heart attacks,
  • Cancer,
  • Eye pathologies,
  • Age-related hearing loss,
  • Reduce general body inflammation,
  • Lose weight,
  • Increase your lifespan.

Healthy eating: how do you calculate a glycemic index?

In 1981, a researcher by the name of Jenkins looked at the pattern of blood sugar peaks in the two hours following food intake:


We see short, severe peaks, or soft, prolonged ones.

Jenkins then calculated the area under the curve for different foods (top right of graph). And to make it easy to compare them with each other, he related their areas to that of a reference food: pure glucose. The glycemic index of pure glucose was set at 100.

Healthy eating: comprising the glycemic index scale

White bread and pasta have a glycemic index of between 70 and 90. They are therefore less hyperglycemic than glucose.

Broccoli and zucchini have a glycemic index of less than 20, and are much less hyperglycemic than glucose.

Conversely, corn syrup (glycemic index 115!) is even more hyperglycemic than glucose.

Healthy eating: thehe mistake everyone makes with the glycemic index

Note that sweet foods do not necessarily have a high glycemic index. Carrots, for example, have a glycemic index of 16.

Conversely, a fried potato may not be sweet, but it still has a glycemic index of 95!

There are hundreds of varied foods with a glycemic index below 50. So you can create an infinite number of delicious menus without compromising your blood sugar levels.

I'm going to introduce you to the most common foods, the ones you'll be able to buy on your next visit to the store.

Healthy eating: vegetablesvegetables galore

Voici donc les légumes à index glycémique bas, c’est-à-dire inférieur à 20 :

  • L’avocat : champion du monde avec son index glycémique égal à 1 !
  • Le brocoli,
  • Eggplant,
  • Zucchini,
  • Cucumber,
  • La carotte,
  • La betterave,
  • Garlic,
  • The onion,
  • Leeks,
  • Spinach,
  • Green beans,
  • Peppers,
  • La salade verte,
  • The tomato,
  • Parsley,
  • Cauliflower (and Brussels sprouts)
  • Soya yoghurt (GI = 20).


Finally, I recommend mushrooms (GI = 15). And even dark chocolate 85% or more, which has a glycemic index of just over 22.

The best alternative to potatoes?

Sweet potatoes are an absolute must. Despite its sweet taste, its glycemic index is only 46. That's excellent compared with potatoes (GI = 70-95).

Healthy diet: frits and oilseeds as much as you like: GI < 20

  • Raspberry,
  • Blackcurrant,
  • Le citron,
  • Almonds,
  • Grenoble walnuts.

Foods with a glycemic index = 0

Meat and fish contain no carbohydrates. Their glycemic index is therefore 0. Chicken, beef, ham, turkey, eggs, shrimps, mackerel, sardines and salmon are therefore recommended for the GI diet. With all this, you'll be able to create menus for the whole year... with a clear conscience!

You should also know that food supplements can help you in your daily life. The laboratory Perfect Health Solutions offers dietary supplements adapted to different ailments.

If you would like scientific advice, please do not hesitate to contact the laboratory Perfect Health Solutions via by telephone on +33 (0) 1 76 38 20 18 or in click here.

Découvrez 35 aliments que vous pouvez manger à volonté
Dr. Schmitz 5 September, 2023
L'Aspartame et santé publique : un sujet ambigu