Où se cache le fructose ?

Industrial white sugar is a health scourge. health. As a reminder, white sugar is the common table sugar. Unlike wholegrain sugar (such as rapadura, for example), it is refined and loses all its minerals. It has no nutritional nutritional value.

My friend has learned his lesson well, and he's he's not the only one, because there are more and more substitutes for in supermarket aisles, organic or otherwise:

  • Stévia,
  • complete sugar,
  • agave syrup,
  • coconut sugar,
  • birch sugar, etc.

Not all are created equal. Among them, the worst is undoubtedly fructose.

What is fructose?

Fructose is a simple sugar (quickly assimilated complex carbohydrates found in starchy foods, for example). starchy foods) found in large quantities in fruit and honey.

Jusque-là tout va bien me direz-vous. Oui, mais c'est là que se situe le piège. Ce n'est pas parce qu’il s’appelle « sucre naturel », qu’il faut lui donner le bon Dieu sans confession.

Fructose is a component of table sugar (saccharose). the composition of table sugar (sucrose), along with glucose in equal parts (50% glucose, 50% fructose). The sugar used by manufacturers is essentially synthetic, i.e. manufactured in laboratories.

Its high sweetening power and low cost it can be found just about everywhere. from soft drinks and fruit juices to biscuits, compotes fruit juices, cookies, compotes, jams, cereals and more. In short, anything sweet.

You can even buy it in sachets to replace table sugar. So much so that, voluntarily or not we consume so much of it without realizing it.

The fructose, a slow-burning poison...

Fructose has long been regarded as a friend friend by naturopaths and dieticians. In fact, it has two assets:

  • Un pouvoir sucrant deux fois plus élevé que le glucose: il en faut moins pour obtenir un même goût sucré. C'est intéressant du point de vue de l'apport calorique ;
  • A low glycemic index (20 compared to 100 for glucose). The higher this index, the more carbohydrates contained in the food into the bloodstream. When blood sugar levels rise, the pancreas produces insulin. the pancreas produces insulin, the role of which is to reduce blood sugar concentration. Overconsumption of glucose can then lead insulin resistance (insulin loses its effectiveness), This is the beginning of diabetes.
    Fructose, on the other hand, monopolizes little or no insulin. It therefore seems perfect for preventing or supporting diabetes.

The problem is that beyond 30 grams a day you start to poison yourself

Is fructose poisonous?

Fructose has adverse metabolic effects. metabolism. Our cells have no fructose receptors. to fructose. They can neither store nor recycle it. Since it cannot be used as a nutrient fructose will be treated as a "toxin" and pass through the liver to be neutralized.

In the liver, fructose activates specific circuits that stimulate fat production. This is known as metabolic metabolic syndrome1.

The production ofuric acid, a metabolic waste product responsible for gout, and implicated in hypertension, also explodes.

Excessive fructose consumption is therefore a is therefore a trigger or aggravating factor for hypertension, fatty liver accumulation fatty liver, weight gain and cardiovascular disease. cardiovascular disease.

In high doses, fructose also promotes diabetes. diabetes (this is not the case at reasonable doses).

A very detailed study demonstrates this2. It was carried out on macaques, which have the metabolism closest to our own metabolism in the animal world. Two groups of macaques were monitored for 7 years.

  • The first group had access to low-fat low-fat, low-fructose foods.
  • While the second group had access access to foods low in fat but high in fructose (at approximately the same the same doses as a normal human consumer).

At the end of the study, the monkeys that had eaten a lot of fructose were 50% fatter than the others and had developed 3 times more type 2 diabetes.

Fructose et intestin perméable

After conducting blood tests and bacterial sampling, the same researchers found that a diet rich in fructose caused intestinal bacteria to leak into the blood and liver. This means that fructose makes the intestine permeable.

The intestinal flora present in our gut, which is sometimes called our "second brain" (200 million neurons are present in the gut), takes a hit.

So do our grey cells. Other research3 has shown that fructose disrupts communication between neurons and increases the levels of certain toxic molecules in the brain.

A high-fructose diet reduces the brain's long-term ability to learn and memorize.

The researchers conclude that fructose may well be associated with :

  • Parkinson's disease,
  • to depression,
  • bipolar disorder
  • and other brain diseases...

It is chronic exposure to fructose in excess of 70 g/day that significantly multiplies the risk factors.

Fructose: should I stop eating fruit?

You know nature's way. Fructose makes up the bulk of fruit sugars, but the fiber in these fruits makes the effects of fructose much less harmful, provided you're reasonable.

Le fructose reste le fructose, qu'il soit naturel ou non. Les fruits d'aujourd'hui sont le résultat d’une sélection génétique. Nous n’avons gardé que les plus sucrés.

For example, a banana contains 9g of fructose, an apple 13g and 100g of dates 18g.


Dried fruit contains even more fructose than fresh fruit! Bear in mind, however, that the real danger comes from added fructose in thediet.

Pay close attention to labels, watch out for added sugars, natural or otherwise, and eat as many fresh, undenatured foods as possible. To help you find your way around, here's a short list of ingredients with a high fructose concentration. Fructose content is expressed in g per 100 g of food.

As far as fruit is concerned, it remains a wonderful nutritional ally, thanks to its antioxidants, vitamins and fiber. As long as you don't overindulge and your diet is healthy, there's nothing to worry about.

Si la question vous intéresse, vous pouvez également demander conseils au laboratoire Perfect Health Solutions  par téléphone au +33 (0) 1 76 38 20 18 ou en cliquant ici.

Le laboratoire Perfect Health Solutions propose des compléments alimentaires de qualité et adaptés aux maux du quotidien.

Où se cache le fructose ?
Dr. Schmitz 21 August, 2023
Cette plante a survécu à tout, et elle vous donne son secret