Obsession du gluten

The ice cream shop near me my house now advertises its ice creams as "gluten-free".gluten-free". My supermarket sells "gluten-free gluten-free beer. "Gluten-free"has become a ubiquitous ubiquitous. It may seem like a far-fetched obsession obsession of our time, when nobody talked about it before.

Gluten, a serious subject

Celiac disease and gluten intolerance are very serious problems. They impose suffering and dietary constraints for sufferers. suffering.

It's normal for those affected dread the slightest contact with gluten, and do their utmost to avoid it. to avoid it.

Taking into account the number foods that contain gluten or traces of gluten, eliminating gluten from the gluten from the diet is a daily challenge.

As a result, many have started making products that are guaranteed gluten-free, and that's a good thing. and that's a good thing.

Understanding gluten

Yet what strikes me, from a scientific scientific point of view, most people don't know exactly what exactly what gluten is, or how it works in our food.

Here's what it's all about exactly:

Gluten is a very special substance that makes pasta elastic and allows it to swell.

But be careful: there's no gluten gluten in wheat flour or water before mixing.

  • How is this possible?
  • How does gluten appear like a rabbit out of a magician's hat?


To understand, we need to think in terms of the chemical composition of gluten (don't worry, the explanations are simple).

Gluten appears when flour is mixed with water

In chemical terms, gluten is a complex protein made from two proteins present in wheat flour. These molecules are called gliadin and glutenin.

A noter que ces molécules sont aussi présentes dans les farines de seigle, d’avoine, d’orge et des différentes espèces de blé appelées en langage technique “triticum”. Vous pouvez vous en souvenir avec le mot SABOT: Seigle, Avoine, Blé, Orge, Triticum. Mais nous verrons plus loin pourquoi c’est dans le blé qu’il y a les plus de gluten.

When flours are hydrated hydrated and kneaded, the two proteins (gliadins and glutenins) hydrate, expand, and stick together. They create "disulfide disulfidebridges".

It is these bridges which, as they multiply, lead to the formation of gluten, as shown in the diagram below. diagram below:

gluten components diagram

As all bread, pastry and bread, pastry and viennoiserie lovers, to make a good dough that's elastic dough that's elastic enough to ball up and swell, but strong enough to hold its shape hold its shape without bursting when it rises, you need a lot of gluten. gluten.

While white flour contains high and roughly equivalent quantities of gliadin and glutenin, the two glutenin, the two molecules that form the basis of gluten, flours made from other have less, or unequal quantities of both. This results in a structural limit to gluten formation, and explains why these doughs rise less well and make pastries less puffy and therefore crisp.

Corn flour, for example, has high levels of gliadin but low levels of glutenin, rye has low levels of glutenin and oats very little gliadin. This makes it very to make a gluten-free bread, and to give it a pleasant texture. texture. You can, however, more easily make cakes, gluten-free cakes, pound cakes or madeleines, as these doughs are precisely for their ability to crumble.

Many foods are, or naturally "gluten-free".

De nombreux aliments sont ou devraient être naturellement “sans gluten”. Si vous n’ajoutez pas d’additif dans vos glaces, si donc elles sont faites à partir de jus de fruit, de crème, de lait et de sucre, d’œufs, de gélatine, il n’y a pas de gluten.

Foods made from rice or rice flour rice flour are naturally gluten-free. French fries, potato chips, milk, chocolate are also naturally gluten-free.

However, there are exceptions: "gluten-free" Rice Krispies are different from the original Rice Krispies, which contained gluten in the form of malt extracts.

For people sensitive to gluten, these products are a necessity. Eliminating gluten from their diet is essential. And for those who don't, it's useful to know the mystery the mystery behind the crispness of their bread, pizza dough, the melt-in-the-mouth bread, pizza dough, the melt-in-your-mouth brioche and the "elastic" spaghetti, coquillettes and linguine on the plate.

In fact, our diet is much richer in gluten than it used to be. Modern wheat is selected selected for their high gluten content, and food manufacturers are add more and more gluten to foods to make them more appealing to consumers. appealing to consumers.

This is why gluten sensitivity is developing, and gluten is gradually becoming a general a general public health concern.

If you would like further advice, please do not hesitate to contact the laboratory Perfect Health Solutionsvia by telephone on +33 (0) 1 76 38 20 18 or click here. Discover also our website ici.

M.D. 20 June, 2023
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