L'Aspartame et santé publique : un sujet ambigu

Since the 1980s, aspartame has become as commonplace has become as commonplace as table sugar or salt. table sugar or salt. And even though health organizations suspect suspect that it is not entirely harmless to health, the question is never quite clear-cut. is never completely clear-cut...

Aspartame: what is the official position?

New assessments of the effects of aspartame effects of aspartame were published on July 14 by several health health organizations.

Namely, the International Agency for Research and the Joint Expert Committee on Food Additives of the World Health Organization of the World Health Organization (WHO) and the Food and Agriculture Organization (FAO)1.

These two organizations conducted independent but complementary studies. However, after reviewing the available scientific available scientific literature, the conclusions came to a disappointing status quo. disappointing status quo.

Nothing new to declare, so to speak...

IARC still classifies aspartame as potentially carcinogenic to humans carcinogenic to humans (Group 2B), while the other expert committee simply reiterates the advice to limit daily consumption to 40 mg per kilogram of kilogram of body weight.

The only relevant comment, in my opinion, comes from from Dr Francesco Branca, Director of the WHO's Nutrition and Food WHO's Department of Nutrition and Food Safety:

" The assessments of aspartame have indicated that, while safety is not a major safety is not a major concern at commonly used doses, potential effects have been potential effects have been described and need to be the subject of more and more numerous and in-depth studies. "

So there's still some work to be done before we can give but, unfortunately, it's been a long time since such conclusions were such conclusions...

Is aspartame hiding in food? food ?

Les édulcorants sont des substances qui donnent un goût sucré quand on les mélange à d’autres aliments. Parmi les plus connus se trouvent l’acésulfame potassique, le fructose, le sucralose, les glycosides de stéviol et l'aspartame.

It's true, the advent of these synthetic sugars has made it possible to reduce sugar consumption in some people who are "diabetes, but are they really a better solution? better solution?

Especially since aspartame is now hidden everywhere nowadays. You're probably consuming it yourself without realize it.

Cela va des produits laitiers aux céréales pour le petit-déjeuner, des chewing-gum aux boissons diverses et variées, et même jusqu'aux médicaments que vous devez prendre ! A moins de décortiquer chaque étiquette, difficile d'y couper.

Laspartame: cancer cancer in but not only

Most studies into the potential dangers of aspartame of aspartame have focused on the risk of cancer. cancer.

In fact, this was the focus of the latest the latest assessments in July.

While the question remains unanswered, we shouldn't forget parallel studies, which looked at other undesirable effects of aspartame. other undesirable effects of aspartame.

For example, a recent study published in the British Medical Journal2, clearly states that excessive consumption of sweeteners is associated with an risk of cardiovascular disease.

Thus, according to the results obtained, aspartame in particular, may promote cerebrovascular disease (stroke).

The study report is clear:

"Our results show that these food additives consumed daily by millions of people and present in thousands of foods and and present in thousands of foods and beverages, should not be safe alternative to sugar, in line with the current position of several position of several health agencies.

The authors of another study3 are even more outspoken, claiming that an increase in adiposity-related diseases (fat accumulation under the skin), such as hypertension, dyslipidemia and diabetes, are largely attributable to over-consumption of sweeteners.

This may be due to a destabilization of the intestinal microbiota, which becomes inflamed when consumed regularly.

What's more, neuro-hormonal control of satiety is also disrupted, leading to more frequent snacking.

Not ideal when you're trying to combat obesity and its complications!

waffle and ice cream

Aspartame: what effects does it have on the brain?

Another major study4 suggests that regular consumption of aspartame increases the risk of neurodegenerative increases the risk of neurodegenerative diseases such as Alzheimer's. the Alzheimer's diseaseParkinson's disease, multiple sclerosis and brain tumors! tumors!

Methanol, one of the compounds in aspartame, is said to increase levels of free radicals, leading to brain cell damage to brain cells.

In addition, aspartame is said to activate various calcium channels in neurons, causing them to die (excess calcium damages neurons). damage neurons).

In short, the oxidative stress generated by oxidative stress generated by aspartame on cerebral cells are far from harmless.

Aspartame and suspected effects on the skin

Finally, aspartame has also been found to have also have an impact on the skin. In predisposed subjects who consume it regularly regularly consuming aspartame, it causes contact dermatitis, manifesting itself skin inflammation.

This would be due to an accumulation of formaldehyde (another metabolite of aspartame). Such effects have been observed in adults adults and children consuming aspartame on a daily basis.

This was notably the case with an 11-year-old child suffering from generalized erythema and eyelid dermatitis. with generalized erythema and eyelid dermatitis, whose problems stemmed problems stemmed from a drug containing aspartame. Simply replacing it with a sweetener-free version sweetener-free version alleviated both symptoms.

Alors quels sucres consommer ?

But make no mistake! We still need sugar to provide energy and keep the body running smoothly. The key is to choose wisely, and not to overdo it.

The most important rule is to forget sweeteners and white (ultra-refined) sugar.

Here are some examples of sugars to choose from :

  • Le sucre complet présente par exemple l’avantage d’être riche en minéraux. Seul le sucre de canne complet ou intégral (comme le rapadura ou le muscovado que l’on trouve en magasin bio) est à privilégier.
  • Le miel Il est préférable au sucre blanc, car il contient des substances antibactériennes, des probiotiques et quelques minéraux. De plus, il est légèrement moins calorique.
  • Agave syrup

    It has a low glycemic index (interesting for diabetics) and contains minerals.
  • Coconut sugar

    Coconut sugar also provides vitamins and minerals (notably high levels of phosphorus and potassium), as well as probiotics (inulin). phosphorus and potassium) and probiotics (inulin).

    Its glycemic index is low.

How do you limit your sugar intake? sugar intake? Have you given up sweeteners for healthier alternatives?

You should also know that food supplements can help you in your daily life. The laboratory Perfect Health Solutions offers dietary supplements adapted to different ailments.

If you would like scientific advice, please do not hesitate to contact the laboratory Perfect Health Solutions via by telephone on +33 (0) 1 76 38 20 18 or click here.

Sources d'information

[1] https://www.who.int/news/item/14-07-2023-aspartame-hazard-and-risk-assessment-results-released
[2] Charlotte Debras, et al. Artificial sweeteners and risk of cardiovascular diseases: results from the prospective NutriNet-Santé cohort, BMJ 2022.
[3] Christofides EA. POINT: Artificial Sweeteners and Obesity-Not the Solution and Potentially a Problem. Endocr Pract. 2021.
[4] Czarnecka K, et al. Aspartame-True or False? Narrative Review of Safety Analysis of General Use in Products. Nutrients. 2021.

L'Aspartame et santé publique : un sujet ambigu
Dr. Schmitz 28 August, 2023
Où se cache le fructose ?